Crossing Mid-Thirties!

//Birthday Reflection// So It's my birthday today and I officially crossed that mid-thirties line! Reflecting on how my years just fly past right before my eyes makes me wonder how time can be lost without intentionally making full out of every second! Reflecting on how the years goes gradually changes as I aged, with the focus now more on: Appreciating a whole year of ups and downs, worth of gratitude, support, optimism, love, families and friendships. Birthday to me is always worth celebrating, not for the cake but for the person and the person's immediate loved ones. I simple love to celebrate people, it makes my heart warm, fuzzy and jumpy simply standing by watching smiles emerge on faces when you see how celebration does wonders to the soul. Reflecting my childhood memories, I have fond memories of my mum cooking "Mee Sua" for me on my birthday. It is my most looking forward present of noodles cooked by my mum with two eggs especially for me! W...