//Celebrate Unsung Heroes//

"Who are these unsung heroes?" Celebrate unsung heroes with me because as we enjoy our moments with them we make this world a better place. Coming from point of view of a Pre-school Principal and parent, having firsthand experiences going through the journey of working with preschoolers on a daily basis with not just one, two, but whole lot of children all coming together with diverse personalities and emotions, understanding how one can get drained by end of the day with all their energy used up for the beautiful little ones under their care, I truly appreciate and honor with all my heart our unsung heroes of our society: Preschool Teachers or other wise known as Early Childhood Educators. Children can get extremely difficult and we all know there is no way to sprinkle rainbow sprinkles to sugar coat any situation. Our Preschool Teachers are unsung heroes for in the midst of the chaos at different situations as well as demands of a class full of children, the...