//The Sequoia Tree Vs Community + Togetherness//
General Sherman is a giant sequoia tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California.By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth.

What about the Sequoia Tree?
If there is one analogy we can use to teach our children about the strength of community and unity which signifies togetherness, it is with the sequoia, or giant redwood tree. I've been so blessed to have seen one, touched one and experienced the majestic of this amazing creation first hand during our family trips in USA. Thankful to my husband showing love in action by bringing us to the place he always loved.

The interesting feature about the sequoia tree as I eventually read on, is in the unexpected shallowness of the roots. Compared to the enormous height of the tree – which grows in excess of 100 meters tall – Their roots are relatively shallow. There is no tap root to anchor them deep into the earth. The roots actually only go down 6-12 feet, and yet they do not fall over.

To a human mind, the shallowness of the sequoia’s roots would easier mean that the giant tree would easily topple over once it is subjected to heavy rain and strong winds. However, this is not the case. The RedWood Institute informed that, “the roots of the individual redwoods frequently grow intertwined with those of their neighbors. By “holding hands” underground, the roots form a network that allows the trees to withstand even great storms.” How amazing this fact is simply by standing together and intertwined their roots, the tree stands strong and firm. The interesting thing about the redwood tree is that their root system is intertwined with the other redwood trees, literally holding each other up. The trees grow very close together and are dependent on each other for nutrients, as well. Only redwoods have the strength and ability to support other redwoods.

So, beneath the surface of these humongous, tall, statuesque trees are roots like a army of men who have their arms interlocked, standing and supporting each other. They are preventing the adversaries of life from knocking each other down. They are also making sure there is plenty of nutrients for growth to continue.

In reflection on how we would all withstand the winds of storms in life if we catch what our nature is teaching us simply by being observant on how they stand tall despite the roots being short and shallow, "Holding Hands underground to form a network of community in togetherness."

So..how do we apply what we learn from The Sequoia Tree in relation to children?
Linking back home, our children need to learn not only independence and intelligence which is a very good attribute, but also interdependence with one another in organic ways. As parents we need to inculcate values that is ‘others-centred’, not the "diseases of entitlement" and in our super competitive society here in Singapore, sometimes even us as parents we tend to forget to just sit back and enjoy the very organic friendships and conversations we could have with our colleagues, friends and even family members we see day in and out. Enrichments classes after classes, workshops after workshops, getting super stressed up during exams and getting disappointed when the "numbers" reflected on the papers our children handed to us did not match our mind's expectations. Not to mention the need to make ends meet and getting so exhausted at the end of each day. So much emotions intertwine with our expectations and we do tend to set the bar too high causing too much unnecessary turmoil within that little software of our hearts..

So..What can we focus on?
Intertwine and interconnected to supportive healthy community you trust- Be willing to open your mind and heart to seek advice from people, never be afraid to admit weaknesses and verbalise the need for help whenever you need to people you trust. Take the risk to trust.

Adults being healthy models for our kids - Be always kind and polite, always seek to understand and not to blame when things do not go our ways, acknowledge people we see day in and out by name, thanking people when credit is due. Ability to regulate emotions and not outburst when one feels threatened.

Adults to embrace differences – Learning to agree to disagree and respecting one another in our words and actions. Always seek to learn from others and stand in to support and never be afraid to ask for help.

Displaying graciousness and gratefulness –Always felt that being gracious and grateful are important blocks will built that resilience in the being of a person. Even if you fall seven times, you stand and continue on because you are grateful for the chance and have learnt to enjoy the little progress in the journey. Never forget to always forgive as well.

Be discerning- Though we need to always be others-centred, we need to also learn to discern right and wrong, good and bad so that our children will grow to think of different creative ways to better the different gaps in the society to make this world a safer place to live in. :)

Next time we pass by a tree, never forget the precious tree and creation can teach us. Simply so much to learn from anything in life! Enjoy your walk home daily, soak in the scents of this world and you never know what you will glean from the little moments of truth through creation :)


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