//We don't always get it right, and it's ok//

 //We don't always get it right, and it's ok//
If any may feel stucked in any situation and can only see messes at your current situation, look deeper and you might be able to see that rainbow that is there shining causing a sense of warmth in the midst of chaos. :) Went to Singapore Art Museum and saw this beautiful rainbow reflection in the midst of entangled ropes which brings me to reflect upon many thoughts and hope it encourages all who read.

Days of emotions may flood in, where many commitments fall on your laps on top of the art of juggling the different hats we wear daily, responsibilities to fulfill, and the relationships we held on in our heart might have a ripple effect of how we respond to different situations. So what if we don't always get it right? Is that ok? What ripple effect do we create?

This is what i hope for us, for me personally as well hoping it encourages all who might feel the same way with truckloads of emotions rushing towards you internally amidst the humongous mountain you feel you need to cross, or many mindsets you desire to shift, in the process where you can't see the end, we can all say "We will try again because there's rainbow in the midst of chaos".

I hope that our weakness teaches us something, especially for precious children who might be handling a whole truckloads of emotions like everyone of us. I hope that when we all come upon our own brokenness, tiredness, fear, and confusion, that you will be okay with it in midst of journey of life. Don't be hard on yourself and the people around you.

I pray that our imperfections won’t scare us as we are not alone. I pray that we will not run away when things do not work out, but that we’ll keep wrestle with them and we will keep showing up, saying sorry no many how many times you need to, and keep trying. There's someone who loves you more than you could ever love yourself, that rainbow which shines through the chaos of your heart.

We don’t always get it right, and that’s okay. :)
We all make mistakes, and we will make lots and lots of mistakes throughout the journey. We will make countless amounts of mistakes, just like I have, but not even one of the mistake should be a label of who we are as a person in this world where light always shine through in the midst of darkness because of love. Do not label another person as well, everyone is fighting battles we know not of.

So, embrace imperfection with the right mindsets and do not label it with failure and judgements. We don't always get it right, and it's perfectly ok. We will never reach the state of perfection but through love we will make life enjoyable, worthwhile in the midst of clearing mountains you will see that rainbow. 

Choose love in life, be kind always. Maybe a change of perspective might do good to you once in a while.:) Enjoy little moments of "failures" and see growth as a way of life. :)
Stand up again my dear. You can do it.



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