//Celebrate Unsung Heroes//

"Who are these unsung heroes?"
Celebrate unsung heroes with me because as we enjoy our moments with them we make this world a better place.

Coming from point of view of a Pre-school Principal and parent, having firsthand experiences going through the journey of working with preschoolers on a daily basis with not just one, two, but whole lot of children all coming together with diverse personalities and emotions, understanding how one can get drained by end of the day with all their energy used up for the beautiful little ones under their care, I truly appreciate and honor with all my heart our unsung heroes of our society: Preschool Teachers or other wise known as Early Childhood Educators.

Children can get extremely difficult and we all know there is no way to sprinkle rainbow sprinkles to sugar coat any situation. Our Preschool Teachers are unsung heroes for in the midst of the chaos at different situations as well as demands of a class full of children, they always strive to maintain their cool and give the best effort to educate and wears the best lens for every child (most of the times) treating each one literally like their child. 
Our Preschool teachers do not get to have a breather in the midst of melt-downs by children, is not allowed to discipline the children like how parents do (assuring you, they don't as well) , but yet always think of possible best ways to educate preschoolers in a professional manner, maintaining the best composure most of the times. They do not have the option to throw in iPads or tablets, to distract the children, to throw in treats like ice-cream or sweets where many parents do to get desired behaviour (Not encouraged though). Not to mention the many tears some held on in their hearts when children as young as five or six rebel against the authority of their teachers umpteen times, yet without fail teachers reached out in love and words of kindness, expressing their concern to their parents. 
And our unsung heroes got through their entire day trying the best they know how with a smile on their face, the huge responsibility upon their shoulders, even through the melt-downs and teaching, the singing and dancing, the cutting and pasting, the jumping and rolling, the reading and writing, the washing and cleaning, the bathing and eating, the prepping milk and patting to sleep, not to mention to meet the management standards of SOPS in educating the young with the many mandatory administrative work required to meet the basic standard of being a Preschool Teacher.
However, often we hear comments of "What does a preschool teacher does?" "A playgroup teacher?" "So it's like a educated nanny playing with children the whole day?" "Actually what is so tough about playing with children and changing diapers?" "They are so cute to be with and the job must be so easy!""Its an aircon environment so its no-sweat right?"
Adults can have bad days and go to work announcing "I have a bad day" to all colleagues so one can have space to entreat into in soothing that emotions, however young children do not have that channel and need loving adults who are sensitive enough to pick that up and give space to that little heart. How about the adult with a bad day meets a child with a bad day? Our unsung heroes normally most of the time take the high road of laying aside one issues back at home and place and honor the child(ren) above themselves by helping them stay positive throughout the day with a garbage of their own issues in the bin, only to take it out after they stepped out of the doors of the school having all their energy drained.
Preschool teachers indeed are unsung heroes who smiled widely at the door greeting every single child who steps in, taking temperature and making conversations with parents to thank them for sending the child to school. Have you notice maybe I say maybe behind that smile some may have a story of their own the day before which they left it outside the door of the school so to give their best to every child who walks in? Imagine you are a parent with a sick child having to care for a whole night without rest and you reached work on time to receive children and left your worries at the door? Imagine the Preschool Teacher may be in the midst of emotional crisis facing family problems and all she wants to do is to curl up on bed yet made it to work leaving her emotions at the door? No matter how bad one may face in any situation, the Preschool Teacher cannot afford to not focus at work, this is not just a work to many, not just hard work but Heart Work. I've seen many good preschool teachers bracing themselves up daily with the whole load of burdens yet still giving their heart to your children because through their lives and lips I see them say "These are my children, and I love them." So with all these are there still doubts that preschool teachers are unsung heroes? 
On top of these, our unsung heroes have to deal with us, parents. Speaking from a mum's point of view, you know how difficult mum can get when you push the wrong button. The overly protective side of mum jumps out and devour all that is in front of us. Imagine being questioned at the slightest issue dismissing all the good that was done way before for the child? How would the teacher feel and yet she choose to say "I am sorry". (Not saying there are no faults in preschool teachers but its just laying down facts which does happen during occasions) 
I've seen many Preschool Teachers do have sincere and passionate fire in their soul and wish to ignite the love for education in the minds of the young, to instil right values in their hearts and inculcate good character traits for every child under their care. However that fire will have chance to be diminished with many insensitive remarks made overtime, the demeaning comments and nick-picking issues in the long run, yet on the flip side it can be ignited even brighter spark with appreciation and honour to every one who gives their heart in educating your child, my child and our future leaders of this society. 
So let us all learn to be kind and appreciate all our preschool teachers, by not having the sense of entitlement that preschool teachers are lower than us parents, just because everyone is fighting a battle we know not of, we can all play a part to make early childhood education an amazing journey for all who is a part of it, especially for our children. Appreciation goes a long way and our children need to learn this from their role models: Parents. 
Here's to all Preschool Teachers: 
Thank you for laying aside your issues in life at the door before you step into the school, giving your best smile to lift the hearts of our children. 
Thank you for the patience you have towards our children's melts-down, not turning into yelling but into calming by hugging.
Thank you for the many photos you took during the day, just to send a photo to us to assure us they are fine so we can function to our max at our work. 
Thank you for the dances you practiced with our children, you are not just a teacher but a teacher who dances with her heart.
Thank you for the many gifts you gave during children's day, forking out from your own pocket because you see our children as yours. 
Thank you for staying up late in school to complete your work, making the environment a beautiful place for our children to learn in. 
Thank you for staying a little longer in school as we are stuck in traffic jams, knowing that you may have your child waiting for you a little longer at home as well. 
Thank you for keeping our children safe, happy and educated in many ways we can't do it on our own. Indeed it takes a whole village to bring up a child and you are like the best possible village we can count on.

As a preschool-principal I can't thank enough for what our unsung heroes had done: for all their hard work, heart work, effort, patience and love in being the educator you are in now and the educator you will progress to be in the future, and know that when one school does well, credits goes to everyone of these unsung heroes: our Preschool Teachers or otherwise known as Early Childhood Educators. Thank you for being an inspiration. 
Fellow principals : This is not just a job, it's a part of our life and is the fire in our hearts. Always be appreciative, do things with excellence but set standards with your heart, be always willing to stand in the gap when need arises and lead by actions more than words. Impart all you have and watch out not just for the weaknesses, but polishing the strengths of each one giving opportunities for growth to step up and shine, delegate whenever strengths will be strengthened but support with all your might. Please never forget to give credits when credit is due. Being firm yet gentle is possible, never forget we all carries the same passion and we share the same space in this part of our world..

We all hold the same heart:
 Nurturing the hearts of the young and supporting the families of our future leaders. We can all give our best shot with your heart to our unsung heroes who influences our young.

Enjoy moments of celebration with me,  giving credits and honor to our unsung heroes. 


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