Invisible line between positive and negative

“The cranky puppy and the happy bear can both be looking at the same situation—spilling the milk—and have two very different versions of the story.”

My mind has been racing with thoughts these days fine line between positivity and negativity and how it affects a person. The same situations displayed can be perceived in diverse lens and received in different banks of a person's heart. The cup filled with half-cup of water can be seen as "Wow, I've got half a cup of water to drink with a heart of thanks !" OR  "Oh come i can only drink half a cup and not more, why is it so unfair?" 

Hit right back at my heart as I do see situations like this reflected upon the speech of my very own kids. Do you have moments you question yourself why did your kids react in ways you felt inappropriate presented at different situations? Do you feel discouraged when you see children display negativity when they can choose to be positive? Yes, at times I do get affected but the opposite lens of "HOPE" of it does kick in the next moment to spur me to engage and journey through Positivity and Hope

How we view situations does branch out from our unspoken internal belief system, God, worldviews, ourselves, people around us and how we respond to moments not in line with our expectations or ideals. I have concerns, as a mum, how our children derived from their own set of beliefs anchored deep down will definitely affect the way they see this world either through positive lens or negative lens. My prayer: "God help us to always see through the lens of Hope(Positivity), help us as parents where we are all work-in-progress."

Happened to chance upon this game in helping our children see things in two lens (positive and negative), thought it is so good thus sharing it, plus I so need to learn it and do it with my kids too: 
//“Unfortunately and Fortunately” Game//
Together with your child, come up with “five sticky situations,” which you write down on cards and put in a hat. Each person then pulls out a card and says the unfortunate situation (An example: “Unfortunately, the movie I wanted to see was sold out”). The other person responds with a fortunate perspective (“But fortunately, I went to see another movie”). Then you go back and forth, each mentioning unfortunate and fortunate circumstances. What a good practice of seeing things from different perspective! Definitely gonna try this with my kids! :)

Everything in life always have two sides of the coin, it really depends how we view it, so what is your choice today to view situations not according to our plans? 

To parents who negativity is your natural default mode, know that there is always two sides to a story. Hope is always round the corner :) Change your mode.

To parents who feel that you are always right and what others say do not make sense, think again. We can always learn from anything, anyone, including an ant. Be humble and don't be proud.

To parents who feel discouraged because your children are consumed by negative vibes, continue to be positive yourself, be patient and love anyways.

To parents who wants to throw in the towel, know that someone will always be there, someone, waiting to catch you. "You are not alone"

To parents who feel totally inadequate and felt like a failure, don't be so hard on yourself and reject lies in your minds. We are all work-in-progress.

Life always offers you another chance, it is called Tomorrow. Never give up trying. Never :)
Enjoy our little moments of life's lessons. As we look back, you will realize you have grown leaps and bounds!

Now back into my zone of work after my 5 minutes reflections and my precious coffee break.


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