Enjoy the little things in life..

Enjoying the little things in life indeed is a huge building block to the big things in life which contributed to the many memories we held on so tight in our memory banks as we journey on in this side of the world.

Being a full-time working mum with two amazing kids, enjoying my daytime as a preschool principal having a blast with many kids 24/7 gives me so many precious moments to embrace with the children as we grow together, relationship built with the many families I see daily as well as the educators which ignite many fires and sparks with daily exchanges in imparting skills,creative ideas in influencing the little minds. Special mention to my amazing better half, a respectable man full of passion in excellence with his magic fingers on guitars and this man of integrity plus knowledge never fail to add so much colourful sparkles with the many learning journeys we shared together  though many times we do have differences in many opinions but ultimately learning in agreeing to disagree because we don't need to be always right, but to choose to always love :) definitely work in progress as a wife, a mum and the many hats I wear at different circumstances.
That's my version of loving life at this season as I've learnt to embrace the little things in life and never despise the tiny moments and small beginngings which will deposit many precious memories within our hearts.

This blog is created to note down the precious moments we tend to forget, taken for granted and the little moments which become the huge things in life as we look back, not forgetting the many lessons we can glean on as I've learnt being a lady, a daughter, a mother, a wife, growing as a leader as well as a friend in many beautiful souls' life. Having the freedom to live life and share precious tips learnt through school of life because humanity has one thing in common: All seek to find a sense of belonging, purpose, identity plus love and freedom in midst of chaos. Hope this will be a fresh breath of air to all who chanced upon and read and to see gold in many little things :)

Enjoy the little things in life with me, because when you look back, you realized they are the big things.



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